I am a software engineer specializing in embedded systems, functional safety and software engineering. My main areas of work are in the fields of telecommunications, robotics and renewable energies.
Current Work:
Freelance, Embedded Software Engineer at Ingenieurbüro Geiger
Lecturer at the DHBW Mannheim, Mannheim
Other Work Experience:
Java: Most used language for my private projects, e.g. used for development of an artificial intelligence for soccer robots.
Python: Used daily, e.g. for automating tasks, build systems, plotting, data analysis, etc.
And many more …
Other Experiences and Skills:
Other Qualifications:
Certified Scrum Master (scrum.org)
ISTQB® Certified Tester - Foundation Level
Member of the Organizing Committee Robocup 2017
Professional ZYNQ-7000 SoC (PLC2)
Advanced C++ with Focus on Software Engineering (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart)
M.Sc., Information Technology - University of Stuttgart
Embedded Systems, Thesis Title: Preliminary Hazard Analysis and Fault Handling Methods in Solar Thermal Power Plant Control Systems
B.Eng., Information technology - Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
Engineering IT, Thesis Title: Tessellation of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces using Multipass Shader Algorithms on the GPU
Ratzel, Michael & Geiger, Mark & Ryll, André. (2024). RoboCup 2023 SSL Champion TIGERs Mannheim - Improved Ball Interception Trajectories. 10.1007/978-3-031-55015-7_34.
Geiger, M., Ommer, N., Ryll, A. (2023). RoboCup 2022 SSL Champion TIGERs Mannheim - Ball-Centric Dynamic Pass-and-Score Patterns. In: Eguchi, A., Lau, N., Paetzel-Prüsmann, M., Wanichanon, T. (eds) RoboCup 2022:. RoboCup 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13561. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28469-4_23
Andre Ryll, Nicolai Ommer, Mark Geiger (2021) RoboCup 2021 SSL Champion TIGERs Mannheim - A Decade of Open-Source Robot Evolution
Geiger, Mark (2019) On Target Heliostat Calibration using Locally Weighted Projection Regression for Trajectory Detection and Matching. Poster presentation, SolarPACES 2019.
Geiger, Mark (2018) Preliminary Hazard Analysis and Fault Handling Methods in Solar Thermal Power Plant Control Systems. Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart.
Geiger, Mark and Gross, Fabian and Buck, Reiner (2018) HeliOS Control System Virtually Operates a 100 MW Molten Salt Tower. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2033 (210006). SolarPACES 2017, 26.-29. Sept. 2017, Santiago de Chile. DOI: 10.1063/1.5067208
Gross, Fabian and Geiger, Mark and Buck, Reiner (2017) A Universal Heliostat Control System. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. SolarPACES 2016, 11.-14. Okt. 2016, Abu Dhabi, AE. Java, Industrial Automation, Control Theory, Optimization, Control Systems Geiger, Mark (2017) Scientific and Simulation Data Management Systems (Review), University of Stuttgart.
Team Description Papers for the RoboCup: https://tigers-mannheim.de/index.php?id=65
Geiger, Mark (2017) Online Color Calibration for Vision based Pattern Recognition by using Locally Weighted Projection Regression, University of Stuttgart.
Pfahl, Andreas and Coventry, Joe and Röger, Marc and Wolfertstetter, Fabian and Vasquez Arango, Juan Felipe and Gross, Fabian and Arjomandi, Maziar and Schwarzbözl, Peter and Geiger, Mark and Liedke, Phillip (2017) Progress in Heliostat Development. Solar Energy. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2017.03.029 ISSN 0038-092X (In Press) Geiger, Mark (2016) A review on additive manufacturing and cloud manufacturing methods, University of Stuttgart.
Geiger, Mark (2015) Tesselation of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces using Multipass Shader Algorithms on the GPU. Bachelor’s, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg.
Geiger, Mark (2014) Modellierung von Klappen und Kontrollflächen in der Geometriebibliothek TiGL. Other, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg.
MarkGeiger@posteo.de • +49 (0)15 789 077035 • 33 years old
Muldenstr. 45 - Ittlingen, Germany